One of the greatest expressions of the Andean cosmovision corresponds to the nurturing of water, because we are sons and daughters of Yakumama (mother water). She nurture us, but, in order to deserve her nurturing, we must take care of the environment where she lives: that is, protect nature.

Our work, based on the care of biodiversity, also ensures and defines a search for excellence in terms of the wonderful coffee. In this way, the most demanding markets in the world receive our products with the finest selection, which guarantees and sustains a high quality in the cup.

The richness of our history flourishes for the world in each of our products. It is a direct consequence, because we are a group of coffee growers who found our strength through associative work and respect for biodiversity. It is the eternal wheel of giving and receiving the best of our land, strengthening our work with the greatest dedication.

Within our communities, we promote culture and organic agriculture in order to promote sustainable growth. This is the commitment we have as a Peruvian brand that links and delivers the best from the heart of our people, true owners of their knowledge and their future.
Germany, Greece, England, Korea and Japan value the excellence of our products through Kaffee Siddhartha, InterAmerican Coffee and Ataka Trading Co., who select and commercialize organic and specialty coffees, giving the highest level of importance to the traceability of the coffee, the direct treatment with the coffee growers, the care of the ecosystem in the farms and the fair payment that guarantees the sustainability and quality of the production.